Join Our Team

If you support our cause, we would be delighted for you to come to any and all of our events. We can always use more organizers, and people who are willing to make signs, distribute fliers and recruit friends. Whatever involvement you are interesting in having, please fill out our brief form and we would be happy to contact you with more information. Just click on the link: Our Form!

We'd also love to hear from you for any other reason. Feel free to email us at

Giving your support

We are continually expanding our reach and could always use a little extra cash to help us do so. Potential uses for any gifts include: paid online advertising, buying supplies for protests, guest speakers for protests, travel fees as we spread the word in surrounding areas, and anything else we can think of to further the cause.

We know many of you have already been very generous in donating to the college of charleston and we sincerely hope that you continue to be. If you are concerned with how money that you give to the college may be spent, we urge you to specify where in the college you would like your money to go. For example, you could donate specifically to scholarship funds, the "College Reads!" program or a multitude of other wonderful programs that exist in the College of Charleston.


We’re getting close to finals, and most of us are full time students, so expect a little less vocal activity from us for the next week or two. We have plenty of exciting events already lined up for that period, some announced some to be announced soon, but we’ll be less vocal for a bit. We’d really appreciate it if during this period you’d help us out by chipping in to our operation funds. We’re still paying out of pocket for almost everything and it’s adding up. Funding will help us maintain our slow burn rather than quick flame strategy so we can be in this fight for the long haul.